Gracias! Merci! Grazie!

After three weeks in three different countries, our time in Europe is complete. We wanted to thank all of those involved to make this trip possible! To our wonderful hosts in Spain: Xavier Manteca and his welfare team at The Autonomous University of Barcelona and Vet School IRTA (research and technology, food and agriculture) CAAD Marisme Animal … Continue reading Gracias! Merci! Grazie!

Earthquakes, Floods, Wildfires- Animal Welfare and Emergency Management

Over the past few years you may have heard about several devastating earthquakes that have struck central Italy. Natural disasters are unpredictable events. The emergency management protocols and plans used to help respond to such crises have to be well organized and adaptable. Given that there have been 3 recent and significant natural disasters in … Continue reading Earthquakes, Floods, Wildfires- Animal Welfare and Emergency Management

Stray Dog Population Management And Welfare Assessment in Dog Shelters

Given that a number of us are from the Philadelphia area, our instructors began our second to last morning at IZSAM with a video embracing the importance of Dr. J (the Basketball Hall of Fame forward that played for the 76ers) before getting on to the more serious topic of stray dog management. There is … Continue reading Stray Dog Population Management And Welfare Assessment in Dog Shelters

Slaughterhouse Welfare and a Cat Museum (two things that couldn’t be more different!)

Buongiorno! Today we had a 6am departure time to spend the morning in Pescara at Cappola Brothers, a family-owned business that produces raw and cooked hams, cured meat, and other types of meat cuts. They follow the production process from slaughter through creation of the final product. Our time spent here was to observe and … Continue reading Slaughterhouse Welfare and a Cat Museum (two things that couldn’t be more different!)

Stem cell studies and a visit to MIRA Europe

This morning we learned about the Cellular Processes and Sustainable Interactions Department. Pietro Asproni heads the department and it was interesting to hear his background of being a veterinarian and having a PhD in Veterinary Pathoglogy. His background provides a unique angle to the research being performed in an area such as behavior. His department … Continue reading Stem cell studies and a visit to MIRA Europe